mtah's rbot contributions

This is the Lighthouse for my rbot contributions. If you're looking for the code, you're in the wrong place. The code is hosted at GitHub.


Email notification (email.rb)

Querys a list of specified POP servers (IMAP support planned, see #2) and announces new mail in-channel, as well as provides a command for manually checking for new mail.

Current version: 0.01 (rudimentary experimental)
Open tickets: here

Talk like a pirate plugin (pirate.rb)

Shiver me timbers! This plugin querys the pirate translator to turn everything into pirate speak. Yarr!

Open tickets: here

English <=> Al Bhed cipher plugin (albhed.rb)

My first rbot plugin, a simple replacement cipher plugin based on the "language" spoken by the Al Bhed in Squaresoft's PlayStation 2 RPG Final Fantasy X.

Open tickets: here

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